In Spanish, we have a rule called “agreement”, which usually consists of words around the name to “match” the name in gender and number. They express time (tomorrow, now, before…), proximity or place in relation to something (far, near, there, here), the method or the way something is done or felt (attention, therefore, strong, light, slow, bad, good…), intensity or frequency (a lot, a little, a lot, enough, almost), doubt (maybe, probably…), question the words (where, what, how much…). In the field of private law, we usually find contratos in the context of convenios, the voluntary agreement for the creation and transfer of obligations and rights. On the other hand, a convenio not only creates and transfers these rights and obligations, but modifies or dissolves them. This applies to adjectives, most of them are what we say, “quality words” or “descriptive words”, such as words that say something has a certain color, someone has a certain quality, etc. First, let`s find out what an agreement really is. The Merriam-Webster dictionary gives the following definitions: 1.a. the act or fact of consent; 1.b. Harmony of opinion, action or character: harmony; 2.a. an agreement on a course of action; 2.b.

contract, contract; 3.a. a properly executed and legally binding contract; 3.b. the language or instrument in which such a contract is included. 1. Contrato: from the Latin contractus. The dictionary of the Real Academia Española (RAE) tells us that it is a written or oral agreement between parties who are bound by a specific object or matter and are required to comply with it. A second meaning of the word is a document containing the terms of such an agreement. 2. Convenio: from the word to suit in Spanish. The EEN tells us that it is a regulation, an agreement or a contract.

3. Acuerdo: from the verb acordar in Spanish. The RAE offers several meanings of this term: 3. a solution taken in court, in companies, municipalities or related authorities; 3.b. an intentional decision by one or more persons; 3.c. agreement between two or more parties; 3.d. reflection or maturity in decision-making; 3.e. Knowledge or meaning of something; 3.f. opinion, report, consultation; 3.g. use of the senses, understanding, clarity; etc. As we can see, the three terms reflect the idea of agreement as it is used in legal texts. They are so closely related that one is defined one after the other and can be used interchangeably depending on the context.

Indirect pronouns: me, te, le, nos, os, les. The change(s) to “se” when they are in front of “lo/la/los/las”, but this has nothing to do with consent. The remaining verbs you learn with your grids tense by time, and the pronouns gradually become more familiar, and it`s sorted match. Hope this helped! Big trick of this “agreement case”! Just remember that articles (le/a) and adjectives (descriptive words) have the same gender and number as the noun to which they refer. “Lo” is neutral, general, does not refer to a word, therefore disagrees, and is usually translated as “the thing”. But now let`s highlight the differences between these terms. Convenio and acuerdo emphasize the right to freedom of contract; The idea of consensus is very clear. However, for some contracts that we sign on a daily basis, adhesion contracts are used more often, which means that pre-printed contracts are used, in which one of the parties decides the terms of the relationship and the other party can only accept (sign) the contract or not (the relationship is not established).

In this case, there is no room for negotiation. We are talking here about contratos de adhesión (not convenios or acuerdos). It is currently one of the most commonly used contracts. More translations in the English-Russian dictionary of There are three forms of the verb that do not change at all: In Spanish, there are several translations of the term in Spanish, namely: contrato, convenio and acuerdo. They precede the name: Defined: el,la,los,las. Not defined: un, una, unos, unas. Example: lámpara, felicidad, gente, amigo, casa, lago, mesa – lamp, happiness, people, friend, house, lake, table. It is an array with all the prepositions and alphasis prepositions (they are easy to recognize because they end in one of these tiny prepositions (en, de, por, para, …). The verbs do not correspond to the gender, but they agree with the subject in number, and of course they follow a tense. Subject pronouns are me, you, he, she, she, us, you guys (her plural) and her.

These are the options you have. The object pronouns are: me, te, lo/la, nos, os, los/las. – In this case, you match the gender to the third person. If it ends in an -e or -ista, the gender does not change, but adds an -s for the plural. Example: verde/s (green), idealista/s (idealistic). Pronoun “se”, impersonal, passive. It doesn`t change. The pronoun “ello”, it for preposition, does not change.

Tonic pronouns: mí, ti, él/ella/sí, nosotros, vosotros, ellos/sí. And, or, with, again, already, but otherwise, like, like, because, then, so, although, therefore, as long as, if, if, that, although. and other links like this. However, this is not a perfect science, so you can read this blog post on tips for whether a word is masculine and feminine and this includes groups of words that follow a gender (letters are feminine, tense too, numbers are masculine), and also a list of words that end in -a but are masculine. This summary of concepts can help us clarify the meaning of each of these words, but as translators, we must always respect the general meaning of the author`s text. Now let`s analyze the definitions of these three terms: pronouns refer to the noun and replace it. There are different types of pronouns, and all agree with the person and some a little more, let`s see: prepositions – from, from, from, in, to, on, against, between, for, de, if and sentences with these at the end (before …). If they end in -or -on, we add an -a for the feminine and an -s for the plural. Example: trabajador/a (worker) / cabezón/cabezona (stubborn).

Names are: things, people, places and abstract ideas. In the field of public international law, the term convenio or acuerdo is used instead of contrato.